Friday, July 29, 2011

Let Others Discover Who You Are

How do you present yourself as a creative person?
Who are you at the core of your personality? Your spirit?
What do you answer when people ask you what you do?
My next door neighbor plays marvelous African Pop and Folk Music and always states that he is a professional Musician, and he presents himself as one too. He always dresses in colorful clothing, and has his Guitar hanging across his shoulder. He has a job at the Car Wash down the street, but that is not who he is. He does what he has to do get bread on the table, but playing music at his gigs is his whole being.
If you work in the bank, but you spend most of your waking hours on writing kids books, do you say that you are a Bank Teller or a Story Writer? If you are doing your day job diligently why shouldn’t people know that who you truly are is a Writer?
Don’t keep your talent hidden under a bushel because you supplement your income while you are working on your next creative project, or while you are auditioning, or creating the next big whatever.
I discovered that one of the starring Actor’s of the famed Sopranos series worked as a Marketing Director in Manhattan while working as one of the most popular characters on the show! She is an Actor. Period.
So, if you are a Drummer, say it! If you are a Painter, announce it to the world! To deny your creativity is to deny yourself! If someone asks you what it is that you do, think what your soul would say.
Say who and what you are so that people can discover the real you!

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